How to enjoy an incredible getaway on Lang Tengah Island, Terengganu’s best-kept secret
In partnership with Summer Bay Resort
A short ferry ride from Kuala Terengganu, Lang Tengah Island is an underrated idyll, with unspoilt beaches, turquoise waters and breathtaking marine biodiversity. There, sandwiched between a lush rainforest and the turquoise waters of the South China Sea, Summer Bay Resort offers a luxurious and safe tropical getaway.

Beloved for its luxurious suites, each with a balcony that leads straight out to the pool, the seaside sanctuary has recently reopened with enhanced safety measures including regular temperature checks and the thorough sanitisation of guests with a nano-silver disinfectant. Hand-sanitising stations have been installed around the resort, and every suite is fogged before check-in and after check-out. Face masks are also mandatory while on the property, while floor markers remind guests to maintain a safe distance between each other.
With your health and safety well taken care of, the fun begins. Here are the best things to do at the resort for a weekend getaway – watch the video below for a teaser.
1. Water sports
Adventure-seekers can sign up for a smorgasbord of water sports, from canoeing to scuba-diving. Go free diving and explore the colourful marine life at nearby spots such as Perhentian Island and Redang Island. Such group activities are regulated to prevent overcrowding, with instructors maintaining a two-metre distance from participants. All shared equipment is thoroughly sanitised before use.

2. Private feasts
Summer Bay Resort is home to six cafes and restaurants, offering a variety of cuisines, from Japanese to Asian fusion. For a more personalised experience, however, honeymooners can soak up the stunning night sky and arrange for a private dinner by the beach. Themed feasts and family buffets for all sorts of occasions can also be organised.
3. Bioluminescent beach
Don’t miss the Blue Tears tour, where a guided night stroll reveals the coastline coming to life with an otherworldly, bioluminescent glow. Light-producing ostracods that wash up on the shore light the sand so that it looks as if it is dotted with neon blue spots – a sublime sight to behold.

4. Rainforest hiking
Surrounded by granite boulders and lush foliage, the island’s rainforest oozes natural grandeur. Take a break from the underwater expeditions for a 90-minute trek through the trees and ravines, and discover the best sunset-viewing spots in the area. Alternatively, start early to catch the sunrise before the world wakes up.

Summer Bay Resort can be accessed by boarding a ferry at Merang Jetty in Kuala Terengganu. Ferries to the island are fogged before passengers board, and at the resort, each guest goes through a sanitisation tunnel before check-in. Contact Summer Bay Resort at [email protected] or +609-6239911 to book a stay today.
很多旅游业受到疫情打击,不惜抛出价格抵到烂的配套!就算让你买到便宜又怎样,最后玩到心惶惶,确定这种玩法是你要的吗?既然出门要放松玩,当然先找注重🔐卫生安全第一的地方玩啦!一个视卫生安全如命、消毒SOP做到尽,☠️病毒看到都怕怕,就在@Summer Bay Resort, Lang Tengah Island, Malaysia🏘!✅上车或上船前,帮你消毒液喷喷喷‼️✅任何排队场合,不忘一米距离保安全‼️✅入住前退房后,消毒液大清洗‼️✅蓝沙森林徒步,保持人少避接触‼️✅所有游客一入岛,先登码头填资料‼️✅浮潜或深潜讲解,保持距离病毒弹远远‼️✅所有器材用具用毕,马上使用消毒液‼️✅前台每天为你量体温,确保你我都安全‼️✅公厕每两小时就消毒,安全永远放第一‼️✅用餐位置全都安排好,桌子2米保距离‼️✅所有岛外物品入岛前,先消毒再进岛‼️✅所有游客员工口不离罩,不怕病毒到处找‼️这么多地方不去,为什么一定是浪中岛🤩?因为…🔥这里游客少,让你不受人潮众多扰🔥这里风景美,让你所有烦恼全忘掉🔥这里体验多,让你玩这玩那玩不完🔥这里卫生好,让你吃安心丸安心玩🔥这里餐厅多,让你餐餐吃好又吃饱🔥这里水质好,让你看到世界的奥妙以前出门看到便宜就去玩,现在出门看清卫生才敢玩!而浪中岛正好把卫生安全放第一,消毒步骤一个都不少!⚠如何预订优惠配套?⚠FB Inbox:📞WhatsApp:Misss Wong: Tan: Yong:👝电邮:[email protected]📞致电:+609-6313366 / +60199344666更多详情请至官网:
Posted by Summer Bay Resort, Lang Tengah Island, Malaysia on Monday, May 25, 2020
The post How to enjoy an incredible getaway on Lang Tengah Island, Terengganu’s best-kept secret appeared first on Going Places by Malaysia Airlines.